Friday, July 19, 2013

Goals while abroad... Slowly coming together.

There are several things that I would like to accomplish while I am traveling throughout South America aside from my major goals of becoming fluent in Spanish and traveling throughout the cultures that the beautiful countries of the continent have to offer. Some different goals have recently popped into mind especially after talking with potential contacts that I have "met" through Facebook and other means. I decided that I want to do projects along the way on my journey whether it's helping a town build a house or a church, to working for someone's business to help them prosper. I would also love to journal my findings and events through photography which people will hopefully use as a powerful stimulant to get out there and do something. I have recently been talking to an old friend of mine who is doing something very similar. His name is Kylor Melton. He is doing a very similar project except instead of pictures, he is using videos to show the amazing things people can do in the world. I would love to be able to start the same affect. I want my photos to show people that it is easy to help, that it is easy to adventure and that it is easy to make a difference. I am a twenty year old college student, and I am making it happen.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Top spots in Ecuador

My brother, Max will be with me during my trip for the first five weeks which will be spent entirely in Ecuador. Here are some top spots that we will for sure but traveling through when we are there. It seems unreal that we will be there in just over two months!