Friday, November 29, 2013

The Huacachina sand dunes and oasis

Arriving in Huacachina was like landing on a different planet. I climbed to the top of one of the dunes surrounding the Huacachina Oasis and when I started to take in my surroundings I was stunned. Beyond the oasis there was no sign of life or activity of any kind aside from sand billowing over the tops of the dunes off in the distance. There was nothing but sand for much further than the eye can see. To my eyes, it looked like a painting. I felt that if I walked forward about thirty feet, I would run I to the backdrop of a movie set. I hope that some of these shots can show you the surreal landscape that I was enveloped in.

The oasis down below which seemed to come out of nowhere

Here's a good example of how it seemed like a painting that I was standing in front of.

There was a sand boarding competition going on where some professionals were throwing some crazy stunts off of a jump they built.

This guy was absolutely nuts. I don't think he had any fear when pulling his tricks. I have no doubt that he won.

Dune bugging through the paintings was such an incredible adrenaline rush

I was set. I had my sunglasses, water and the goPro. Desert, here I come.

Location:Huacachina, Peru

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Oh Loki...

It's been a rough two weeks working at this paradise resort. I had to choose between playing beach soccer, surfing, renting motorcycles and relaxing in a poolside hammock.

This was my "job". Bar tending at Loki was such a blast. The crew I was working with and all the amazing guests made my two weeks fly by!

Here's a bike I rented for the day costing me a whopping 8$. I took this rickety thing up into the highlands and throughout the desert landscapes that surround Mancora. A

Here's part of our group making it up to the lighthouse overlooking the bay of Mancora.

What can I say? It was a Hawaiian themed party!

The horrible sunsets I had to look forward to from the balcony room at Loki. Rough life. This has not been edited at all so just imagine what it looked like through eyes rather than a lens! AMAZING!

Working and traveling... Not a bad gig

And the adventures continue!

After leaving the Galapagos I met up with my couch surfing host in Guayaquil and he showed me around the city along with his other surfer from Argentina!

The next day I took an eight hour night bus down into Peru to a city called Mancora. For some reason I thought we'd be getting there later in the morning but my stop dropped me off at 3:30 in the morning. So in need of a place to sleep I asked the first hostel I came across if I could set up a hammock until morning. Instead, they doubled up two of the pool side reclining chair cushions and let me sleep there for the night!

My wake up call was at 7:30 by the lovely screeching of a few roosters in the neighboring yard. Unable to sleep through that cacophony, I set out on the town to complete the one item on my to-do list: find a job. A few travelers I had met recommended a hostel called Loki del mar. Best recommendations ever. Within ten minutes of being there I got a job working the bar and the perks that are included are amazing! Free accommodation, breakfast, one free meal and 40% off my bar and food tab all for working about twenty-five hours a week. I'd say I scored pretty well with this set up. Not to mention the fact that this place is gorgeous and is about a 30 foot walk away from perfect waves. I'll have some shots of it up soon but for now just google "Loki del mar Mancora Peru"

Hasta próxima vez!

The Galapagos (the video)

Here's a quick snapshot of the amazing wildlife and landscapes of the Galapagos!